Featured Products

I've Got This! Audio Encourager
 Have you ever wanted a life coach in your ear encouraging you to reach for your goals?
Well, now you have one—literally!Â
In this one a a kind Audio, Dr. Kristin walks you through a mindset shifting process, asking you goal-oriented questions, using affirmations, and positive reinforcement to help you align with who you really are, reconnect with your personal power, and create forward momentum to live the life you want to live.
    With the right mindset, you can do it!  Â

Re-Design My Life
All parents experience negative emotions when life throws us an unexpected challenge our way. Sometimes, we can work through our emotions quickly and other times, we need to apply conscious effort.
Dr. Kristin provides a Audio to help you reset—before yelling or reacting. Need a quick calming and aligning tool? Here it is!

Achieve Your Dreams
While it has been a few years since the peak of the pandemic, there is no doubt families have been impacted in many ways--mentally, emotionally, and socially.
This class helps parents and kids work through unresolved pain or trauma, by learning how to process difficult emotions, accept "what is", and go through the process of shifting to mindsets that bring relief, hope, and renewed empowerment.

How to Work Through Negative Emotions and regain a sense of peace.
This workshop helps you understand the meaning underneath negative emotions, explore common triggers, and offers strategies to release emotions and find the path to feeling better. A workbook is provided to help you work through personalized challenges.
Through this work shop, you will learn to understand the needs behind emotions, how process and accept without resistance, and how to make one choice that will change your outlook, so that you are more at peace to more forward.Â
We can help parents and kids.

Change Your Life in Change Your Life In 21 Days  Â
Experts often suggest it takes a minimum of 21 days to shift out of an old habit and embrace a new one. This guide helps you understand the beliefs and patterns underneath the habit and how to finally break free. This EXCLUSIVE guide helps you look deeper into yourself, shift your motivation and break free of limited thinking.Â
And it isÂ
100% FREE to to YOU. Enjoy daily suggestions and journaling questions that support you in becoming a more empowered version of you!